About Italfarmaco

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So far Italfarmaco has created 4 blog entries.

Duchenne Awareness DAY 2023

7 September marks World Duchenne Awareness Day (WDAD), a disease in which we as a company are particularly involved.

2024-07-01T16:50:51+02:002023 September 07|

Duchenne Awareness DAY 2022

September 7th is World Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Day, a disease that sees us, as a company, at the forefront of the search for a drug that can slow down its progression.

2024-07-01T16:50:42+02:002022 September 07|

World Duchenne Awareness Day 2020 – Duchenne and the Brain

World Duchenne Awareness Day represents a great action of the global Duchenne Community to raise awareness for children and young adults living with Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy. This year the special theme that deserves more attention is “Duchenne and the brain”.

2024-07-01T16:51:38+02:002020 September 07|
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